Sunday 22 January 2012

Beauty tip of the week: greasy hair.

*Please note that if you have dark hair then I suggest you use a minimal amount as it might show in your hair
Let’s be honest. We all have those days when we wake up for school / work and our hair looks as If we have ran lard through it. The worst part is.. You have woken up late and so will be late for your job or school so no time for a shower! What to do What to do?
But fear not! Just a tiny bit of baby powder ran through the hair will do the trick as It takes the grease right out of our hair*! Apply it to the roots of your hair ( not too much) and then comb it out and it will take the grease with it leaving it looking fine.
Much Love,
Nicole xo


  1. Ugh, sounds like my hair all the time! haha, I also use makeup, like looses powder. If you have light hair use powder and if you have dark hair use bronzer? :')


  2. Very cute blog Nicole! This is a very good tip. I have white-blonde hair, so I use my translucent setting powder and it works for me. Ill have to try this next time! Very good tip :)

    I would love for you to check out my blog also :)
    Stay Beautiful,
