Saturday 7 January 2012

My boring but unique January

Now that the joys of December are no longer with us (sigh) we are out of excitement! January to me is my least favourite month, as Christmas and New Year have ended and its ages away from summer. What I do like though is being able to start all over again and being free from the mistakes we made the year before. (Believe me I had my fair share last year!)

It is also a new chance for us to go for a new daring hairdo/ makeup look. To be honest I don’t feel that much of a difference coming on for me yet. The only thing that has changed about me this year is the fact I started to back comb my hair. ( Why must it damage our hair?!)I have rambled on a bit here, now for the interesting parts!
What I did over the holidays and early January
During the holidays, (late December I suppose) me and my friends went to the local skate park a couple times. I’m not a skater by the way, I go to support my two friends Matt and James as the rarely get an audience (bless their souls). Me and my girl friends actually really enjoy seeing them do what they love. I can honestly say it’s such a good and adrenaline filled atmosphere, sometimes pretty scary though but exciting at the time. I would recommend it for girls who are into skater guys or ones that are into more exciting activities. Not really for the girly girls (sorry!) but if you get the chance to try it, then what you waiting for? Try it! You never know you might enjoy it.
Casual yet cute make up.

Of course you want to dress the part to go, so I put together what I would recommend wearing.
Also, you want to have decent hair of course (Hello...guys go skating!) but nothing too special, as you don’t want to look like you are trying too hard because at the end of the day it’s a skate park, not a dinner date.I would say a messy bun or pony tail would be
stylish and perfect for a skate park. But I just straightened mine as I don't suit my hair up.
A cute yet suitable outfit for a skate park. 
excuse the grin and horrible hair guys:(.
I get that  skate parks are not every bodies cup of tea so you may want to consider ice skating, it’s a great thing to get involved in with a lot of opportunities. It can be embarrassing when you first start (falling over- EEK!) but at the end of the day even the pros had to start somewhere right?!
For ice skating all you need to consider wearing is something which is warm, flexible yet comfortable, I recommend leggings and they go with almost everything.
So yeah, all my January will consist of is skate parks, hanging out with my friends, ice skating and of course the January sales!

Winter will eventually pass guys! Then here comes my favourite time of the year... SUMMER!
Keep smiling through the long hard winter months,
Nicole xo

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