Tuesday 3 January 2012

My Unique School emergancy kit and tips on surviving high school

School emergency kit and advice
Hey guys, as you all know it’s new year and sadly the time school comes sailing back around.:( I have personally had very embarrassing beauty issues occur during school, therefore I put this little post together just to both share my experiences and help it if anything likewise does happen to you or your friends.
Where to begin? If you do your hair in a complicated style or makeup then it is essential to have a mirror to check that things are running smoothly.
When I was 12 and I first discovered hair moose I used to load it on my hair! Which one day lead to my hair frizzing so badly even my teacher laughed at me!Hey you learn from these times.

     Bobbypins/hair ties
When it’s a hot day in class and your hair is drooping over your face it feels horrible. So if you have bobby pins on a hot day available USE THEM as it gets your hair out of your face while you are working on studies and less time will be spent worrying about your hair and more on your work.

If your school is anything like mine then they will be serving quite literally the smelliest food ever ( the worst mine does is curry and garlic)! Also if you are sat in a classroom without speaking for a while, your breath might smell bad then too. I would say to bring some mints into school because as much as I love chewing gum, it isn’t allowed at my school (unfair much?!) so you don’t want to get in trouble for it. I would say the whole of my class has chewing gum, yet I am the only one who gets caught :/.
Every day without fail I will get a return on my bus for the way home. You don’t want to get in the panicking position I have been put in, it’s really worrying when you reach out for your ticket and…surprise surprise it’s not there! It will also help if you forgot to bring lunch with you or didn’t have breakfast.
One of the worst things that can happen to you at school….The painters (period) strikes again! It is one of the worst things to happen to you at school! I’m not going to go too in depth with this one…. At least you may also help a friend but if you do forget them the school nurse is sure to have them in case of an emergency.
Basic Makeup
If you’re the sort of girl who loves to look good, I would recommend minimal makeup such clear mascara, lip balm and at a stretch concealer. You don’t want heavy eye makeup as it can run or smudge during the school day.

During the school day we can get quite dehydrated and that’s bad for our bodies. As we all probably already know water has 100% no calories and is very nourishing to our skin. I definitely recommend if you have PE/ games on the particular day.

General advice
Treat people how you want to be treated.
If you are being bullied, you MUST tell someone, it gets easier.

In high school, being with the “in” crowd seems so important, if your school is like mine there is a group of girls that guys swoon over. Yet the backstab each other! Do you really want to be in a friendship which is just full of secrets and lies? 

You must pick your friends carefully and no matter what never give in to something you don’t want to do that they do. It might seem uncool but when your friends are doing something that they should you can look at them and laugh. Laugh at how stupid they are being. I personally love seeing people get drunk and seeing what crazy actions they do, if you told them what they were doing they would not believe you…HONEST!

I feel like I have rambled a bit but oh well my other posts haven’t been quite as long as this one so I have made up for it!

Much love,
Nicole xo

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